4/9/12 - A couple weeks ago I pretty much inherited a garden. Some friends who are planning on buying a camper and hitting the road later this year offered me free reign of their yard in exchange for helping them convert it into a garden. So we've spent the last two weekends staring at the yard and not knowing where to start; so many options! Things are getting rolling now though, with a big sectioned tilled up, and the wildflower bed rehabilitated. We're hoping to have the majority of the garden be perennial, with a couple beds for annual crops. So far, it contains a tiny raspberry, a tiny blueberry, rosemary, lemon balm, Egyptian walking onions, and a plethora of wildflowers and what-have-you.
3/24/12 - So it's a month later and I still haven't started any seeds. I don't really have an excuse except that after coming home from the farm I don't usually have a lot of time/motivation left for my own plants. That being said, when I got back from New York on Monday, my over-wintered peppers were covered with new leaves! Well, most of them were. A couple seem to have lost the will to live. Besides those, there's some rosemary cuttings in a pot (are they rooting? Who knows.) and a clove of garlic that was sprouting in my cupboard because, why not? I still want to start a bunch of seeds, but it's a matter of finding the time, space, and right weather.
2/20/12 - Guys it's almost spring. Actually it's still pretty much fall, but I have my fingers crossed for smooth sailing till warmer days. Probably gonna start some seeds in egg cartons this week, but what to plant???