
All I need is a class-C driver's lisence and lots of money...

So I just stumbled across this Kickstarter campaign:

Why haven't I heard about any other "rolling greenhouses"? Seems like a pretty intuitive idea to convert an old box truck or school bus into a self-contained, mobile garden. You could take it to schools to educate kids, drive it up to a farmer's market for fresh-as-can-be produce, or just use it as a garden if you don't have land. This might have just made it into my "potential future venture incubation area".

I have no idea how you'd make it cost-effective, though. A functioning bus/truck would probably cost you about $1,000-3,000 on craigslist. Doing the conversions (skylights, sidewalls, garden beds, etc) would probably be at least double that unless you can use repurposed materials & do the labor yourself. Then tack on a biodiesel conversion and solar panels if you really want it eco-pimped out, and your return on investment is probably upwards of 150 years.

Oh well, it'd still be pretty awesome. Maybe I can find a grant...

1 comment:

  1. it's also a good excuse to go on cross-country road trips. :) (probably need more money for the gas than for the truck, tho...)
