
time to check that prescription...

I've never really been a big fan of Mark Rothko's work or most color field painting, but regardless, they seem to be a key influence, along with abstract impressionism, on a series of photos I've had simmering on the back burner for the past six months or so. I think one of the main differences is that unadulterated photography could never qualify as expressionism, but I guess that depends on whether you think a photograph can be entirely subjective.

I think everyone likes Bokeh, but there's only so much you can do with an out of focus shot of Christmas lights/falling sparks/etc (I hear it makes a good blogspot background).

Obviously some of these are pretty easily recognizable subjects, and I'm fine with that, they don't have to be purely abstract. Mostly I just like the atmospheric quality of them, and creating a composition out of the very basic light and color that nature offers.

All of these are straight out of the camera, with very minor editing of levels and cropping on a couple. I'm always a little amazed by the gradients and color blending achieved by a couple of glass discs and some distance. It really reveals some of the physics that photography is based on. Light is pretty damn cool.

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